"Our Colorado way of life is important, and I will work hard to preserve it for future generations."

Kevin's wife of 24 years, Michelle, has taught in public schools, like many in his family. Education is an important issue. He will work to improve performance and promote parental involvement in schools.

Kevin believes in smart growth and will make better transportation and infra-structure a priority in order to serve our growing region.

Our free enterprise system is critical. He will work to promote small businesses so they can thrive and provide good jobs for Brighton and Greeley communities.
Kevin has and will work hard to find solutions for our increasingly clogged highways and by-ways. He's protected existing transportation revenue streams and allowed voters to expand them. Transportation infrastructure projects will help our commute and economic growth.

Kevin supports renewable energy that will help lower energy prices and end our dependence on fossil fuel. He believes we should expand research and development of new technologies such as nuclear fusion and battery storage. This will create and grow American jobs and bring down energy costs for working families.

Kevin is committed to a pro-growth, pro-jobs strategy that keeps our state's economy on track. He believes in following TABOR and allowing the voters to decide tax and revenue issues. Kevin believes private property rights are important.

Kevin Priola has a fundamental commitment to the protection of human dignity, beginning at conception and ending at natural death.
Kevin understands that we are a nation committed to equal opportunity, and there is no equal opportunity without equal access to an excellent education.

Kevin supports improving the quality of our healthcare and expanding access to it. He sponsored legislation to end the practice of surprise medical billing, worked across the aisle to cap the price of insulin and fought to address the opioid crisis that is devastating our communities.
Visit the Colorado General Assembly website to find out more about Kevin Priola's legislation as a State Senator.
Neonic Pesticides As Limited-use Pesticides
This bill requires that the commissioner of agriculture designate neonicotinoid pesticides as limited-use pesticides.
Advance the Use of Clean Hydrogen
This bill requires the public utilities commission to consider issues related to the production of clean hydrogen and adopt rules establishing requirements for the presentation of a clean hydrogen project.
Higher Education Support for Foster Youth
This bill establishes postsecondary education support to Colorado resident students who have been in foster care at any time on or after reaching the age of 13.
Powerline Trails
This bill allows and encourages public recreational trails in electrical transmission corridors of the state.
Modify COVID-19 Relief Programs for Small Business
This bill established modification to programs enacted to provide relief to certain business impacted by sever capacity restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Natural Disaster Mitigation Enterprise
This bill created an enterprise that is exempt from requirements of the state constitution (section 20 article X) to administer a fee-based natural disaster mitigation grant program.
Highly Effective Teachers in Low-Performing Areas
This bill provides incentives for high-performing teachers to move to low-performing school districts to equalize education throughout the state.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Coverage
This bill requires health insurance carriers to provide preventative health insurance coverage for colorectal screenings.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Criminal Justice System
This bill enhances and offers alternatives concerning the treatment of individuals with substance use disorders who come in contact with the criminal justice system.
Reduce Insulin Prices
This bill establishes measures to reduce a patient's costs of prescription insulin drugs.
Colorado Department of Education Bullying Policies Research
This bill requires the Department of Education to research approaches, policies, and practices in other states related to bullying prevention and education and develop a model after considering its research. The model is updated every 3 years.
Pharmacists to Serve as Practitioners
This bill clarifies that for the purposes of laws pertaining to pharmaceutical care, a licensed and qualified pharmacist may prescribe over-the-counter medication under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act" or within the parameters of a statewide drug therapy protocol.
Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas
This bill authorizes a school district, BOCES, or institute charter high school to grant a diploma endorsement in biliteracy to a student who demonstrates proficiency in English and at least one foreign language.
Science Technology Engineering Math Diploma Endorsement
This bill establishes authorization for granting a high school diploma endorsement in the combined disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Retail Food Establishment Licensure and Inspection
This bill added clarification and established new requirements to the laws governing retail food establishments.
In State Tuition for Dependents of Military Members
This bill provided in-state tuition fees for higher education to men or women who were dependent on their parent or guardian that has served or is serving in the military.
In the news...
Here are some mentions of my work in the Capitol, my mentions in the media and what I have done for our district.
My legislation on alcohol reform-
"And much of the bipartisanship is owed to one Republican: Sen. Kevin Priola" -Colorado Sun, June 19 2019
- Nonprofit Impact Award - Colorado Nonprofit Assoc. 2020
- Legislator of the Year - Junior League of Denver 2019
- Outstanding Elected Official - Recycle Colorado 2019
- Common Sense Legislator - Colorado Civic Justice League 2019
- Courage Award - Colorado Renewable Energy Society 2019
- Legislator of the Year - University of Colorado 2017
- Friend of Farm Bureau - Colorado Farm Bureau 2016
- Golden Apple Award - CO Coalition of Cyber-school Families 2015
Walk precincts with Kevin. Help with other campaign items. Raise money hosting an event. Contact about taking an active role in Kevin Priola's campaign. 303-882-5486